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How to create, configure and edit a new channel in Telegram

A Telegram channel is a convenient and modern tool for effective interaction with your audience. Channels are special chats whose administrators can send photos, messages (text/voice), videos, and files of various formats to all users. You could even say that a Telegram channel is the average between a blog and a news feed on a certain topic. The peculiarity of Telegram chats is that users have no feedback from the administrators. They have no opportunity to rate or comment on posts/notes. Admins can control the number of views of entries/posts, as well as the number of subscribers. Today, a huge number of channels have been created in Telegram in different languages and on different topics.

What's important to know about Telegram channels

It can act as both a large corporate media outlet and a cozy personal blog. There are two versions: closed and public. Closed channels cannot be found in a search, and you can only subscribe to them with a special invitation link given by the administrators. Public chats are available to everyone. They can be found in the general search. Participants can only discuss posts/notes if the comments function is enabled.

The popularity of Telegram channels can be explained by the following facts. First, users can control and customize news feeds themselves. Popular social networks use closed algorithms to configure the news feed. In Telegram, if a visitor is subscribed to a certain group, he will necessarily receive all updates from it. If a user stops being interested in a channel, he can simply unsubscribe from it. Second, according to recent studies, many tablet/smartphone owners follow messenger updates every five minutes. Telegram provides a continuous stream of notes, posts and news. It should be noted that Telegram, like many other social apps, has built in special push notifications. With short pop-up messages, users can view new entries without visiting the program itself.

How to create a Telegram channel yourself

There is no difference in what device you will use to create your channel. All points are the same. Tablets, personal computers, and cell phones are allowed. But according to the results of the survey, we can conclude that the majority of users perform this procedure using a mobile app.

  • Open Telegram. Find the "Chats" tab. Tap the new message icon and select Create Channel.
  • Think of a name and description for your new channel. Set the avatar by tapping the profile icon.
  • You can choose a picture for your avatar from the Internet, the Gallery, or your live camera. After completing all of these steps, click the "Next" button.
  • Specify the type of channel you created, and make up a short and memorable link with a username for it. These are the parameters people will use to find your channel. Confirm your actions by clicking OK.

Now it's just a matter of a few things. From your list of contacts, select the people who will become members of the new group. Send them messages and wait for confirmation. Once you have an audience, you can start publishing posts.

How to properly manage a new Telegram channel

The first thing users encounter is assigning administrators. If the creator of the channel is not going to publish messages on their own, several administrators should be added to the group. This action is very simple. You need to tap your avatar or name, and then click on the "Administrators" button. Administrators are selected from the group of subscribers. Setting the appropriate rights is performed by turning on the appropriate toggle switches.

The channel menu contains the "Subscribers" item, which is used to manage the audience. It can be used to expand the audience by adding new people, as well as to block individual members of the group. To ban a person, click the "Change" button and then click the red icon next to their name.

How to work with channel settings

Administrators can change Telegram channel settings at any time. For example, edit the name, description and so on. To do this, enter the menu and select the "Edit" button. Here, all the data is divided into items. You can rename the channel, add comments from participants to recordings, and add author signatures.

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